A downloadable module

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Belladonna’s Botannicals is a small compilantion of plant-themed spells to include in your Mausritter games. This module is very setting-agnostic. It does come with a minimal ammout of lore that should fit most settings, but you can feel free to completely ignore it if it doesn’t.

Belladonna’s Botannicals is an independent production by Juan Carlos Hernández and is not affiliated with Losing Games. It is published under the Mausritter Third Party Licence.

Mausritter is copyright Losing Games.

Belladonna's Botannicals is released under a CC BY-SA 4.0 license, so feel free to reuse or modify any of the spells included in this module in your own third-party content (dungeons, adventures, etc.) as long as you credit me as the original creator and share your own content under the same license.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

belladonna's botannicals.pdf 2.6 MB


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Is there a pun I'm missing, or did you misspelled "botanicals"?


Oh, sorry. I must have misspelled it. English is not my native language.


i was looking for something just like this!


I'm glad you like it!


I just can’t express how awesome this is!!! WE WANT MORE LIKE IT!!


Thank you so much! These are just some homebrew spells I made for the campaign I'm running, I plan on eventually releasing more spell modules as I come up with more homebrew spells.


yo! This is great!!!